Thursday, September 5, 2024

Digital Privacy


   All of these TED talks I watched were about digital privacy and what the government does with the information we willingly and unwillingly put online. Some examples in the Ted Talks were the police scanning your license plates and keeping track of where you are going even if you don't have a criminal record, leaked nudes, and your digital footprint. 


How do these issues affect you? You friends and family?

    If you care about the government tracking you and using social media against you then the issues affect you. If something is leaked online that you don't want on there, there should be ways to get it deleted without months of lawsuits and court dates. There should be more laws about nudes leaked that you didn't consent to. These can affect your friends and family too if they get put in bad situations where they don't consent to their pictures being online. There should be a quick and easy way to fix this problem with the culprit being punished.

What should the government be doing about these issues?

    I think there need to be more laws in place so that people who get put in situations where their nudes get leaked that they can get those photos deleted within 24 hours. I also think the people who leaked these photos should be punished with jail time or fines. They violated the person's life and they shouldn't just get a slap on the wrist. 

What can we do to protect ourselves from invasions of our privacy?

    One way you can protect yourself is by having private accounts on social media. That way you have to accept people if you want them to see your stuff. You can also make sure you use guest every time you are using a browser so it doesn't keep your search history. Another example is using Firefox or another search engine that is more private than Google or Safari. 

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